WAMECA 2023 receives 825 entries from 15 countries
A total of 825 entries have been received from journalists across West Africa, hoping to compete in the 2023 edition of the West Africa Media Excellence Awards. The stories were submitted by entrants from some 402 media houses across 15 countries of the subregion, comprising Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone states. The entries received, are for […]
WAMECA 2023: Convite à apresentação de reportagens
A Fundação dos Media para a África Ocidental (MFWA) está a solicitar submissões de reportagens para a 7ª edição da Conferência e Prémios de Excelência dos Media da África Ocidental (WAMECA). A WAMECA 2023 terá lugar de 19 a 21 de outubro em Acra, Gana, e centrar-se-á no tema: «Media e Democracia em África». Os […]
Change of Date: WAMECA 2023 rescheduled for November
The 2023 edition of the West Africa Media Excellence and Conference Awards (WAMECA) has been rescheduled from the earlier communicated date, October 19 – 20 to November 9 – 11. However, it is to be noted that all activities in the original programme outline remain unchanged. Consequently, WAMECA 2023 will be held in Accra, Ghana, and will focus on the theme: Media […]
WAMECA 2023 to focus on Media and Democracy in Africa
In the last few years, democracy in Africa has been in recession. The rollback has been manifested through the alteration of constitutions to change term limits by autocrats, the deliberate politicization of electoral bodies with partisan appointments, and the weaponization of the judiciary for partisan objectives. Along with these, civil spaces within many African countries […]
WAMECA 2022: Here are the winning stories
Ten journalists were honoured for producing outstanding reports in nine different categories, when journalism excellence in West Africa was celebrated on Saturday, October 22. The ten were adjudged winners out of 25 journalists who made the list of finalists for this year’s West Africa Media Excellence Awards. At the event which was held at Alisa Hotel in […]
Jornalista nigeriana ganha o prémio de Jornalista do Ano na África Ocidental
Uma jornalista de investigação do jornal diário The Punch na Nigéria, Tessy Igomu, foi laureada como a Jornalista do Ano 2022 na África Ocidental. Sendo a primeira mulher a ganhar o mais alto prémio, Tessy Igomu venceu a competição com 24 jornalistas pré-selecionados para os prémios deste ano na Conferência e Prémios de Excelência dos […]
Nigerian female journalist wins West Africa Journalist of the Year
An investigative journalist with The Punch daily newspaper in Nigeria, Tessy Igomu, has been adjudged the West Africa Journalist of the Year 2022. Being the first female to win the ultimate prize, Tessy Igomu fought off competition from 24 journalists shortlisted for this year’s awards at the West Africa Media Excellence Conference and Awards (WAMECA). […]
Sixth edition of West Africa’s biggest journalism event opens on Oct. 20 in Accra
West Africa’s biggest journalism event, WAMECA, enters its sixth edition this year. From October 20 – 21, the 2022 edition of the West Africa Media Excellence Conference and Awards (WAMECA) will come to Accra, Ghana’s capital. The conference which will be hosted at the Alisa Hotel will run on the theme: Media and Women Empowerment […]
Conferência e Prémios de Excelência dos Meios de Comunicação Social da África Ocidental: Lista de Finalistas
Vinte e cinco jornalistas de oito países fazem parte das finalistas dos prestigiados Prémios de Excelência dos Meios de Comunicação Social da África Ocidental (WAMECA 2022). Os finalistas foram selecionados por um júri de cinco peritos ilustres da comunidade mediática africana. Estes peritos selecionaram o melhor após uma exame e avaliação exaustiva do trabalho apresentado […]
West Africa Media Excellence Awards 2022: List of Finalists
Twenty-five journalists from eight countries have made the list of finalists for the 2022 edition of the prestigious West Africa Media Excellence Awards (WAMECA 2022). The finalists were selected by a 5-member jury made up of distinguished and experienced media experts in Africa after a thorough review and assessment of the stories submitted by the […]